How does Quick Patch work?
The quantity of water in the mix is not critical meaning this exceptional repair material can be used for many applications. Mix to a firm consistency to repair overhead or vertical surfaces. Pour a more a self levelling fluid mixture into horizontal areas. Trowel to finish. Ideal for repairing ramps or making safe trip hazards in walkways.
Key Features and Benefits of Quick Patch?
Sets as a permanent repair in minutes.
Highly durable – high levels of tensile strength.
Can be applied in freezing conditions.
Ideal for freeze/repairs
Just add water and apply.
Even works in damp and wet conditions.
Either pour or trowel onto area for repair.
No solvents.
Use on concrete, brickwork, stone and asphalt.
Repair walls, floors, columns, loose posts and bolt fixings.
Setting times can be altered by mixing hotter or colder water, speeding up cure or allowing more time to form a repair dependent on circumstances.
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